<%@ Language="VBScript"%> <% Call fSetDBCon() Call fSetRs() dim datalist dim datalist1 nodata = true no = ReplaceQueryString(Request("no")) page = ReplaceQueryString(Request("page")) keyword = ReplaceQueryString(Request("keyword")) keyfield = ReplaceQueryString(Request("keyfield")) strsQL="select no,attfile_no,subject,create_date,content,cnt from board_list where lang_type=1 and no ="&no objRs.Open strsQL,objDBCon if not (objRs.eof or objRs.bof) then datalist = objRs.getRows if isarray(datalist) then objDBCon.execute("update board_list set cnt = cnt + 1 where no = " & no) fRsRelease() objRs.Open "select a.*,(select subject from board_list where no = a.nextno and section='faq' and delete_checkYN='N and lang_type=1') as nextsubject from ( select min(no) as nextno from board_list where no > "&no&" and section='faq' and delete_checkYN='N' and lang_type=1)as a",objDBCon nextnum = objRs(0) : nextsubject = objRs(1) : fRsRelease() objRs.Open "select a.*,(select subject from board_list where no = a.nextno and section='faq' and delete_checkYN='N' and lang_type=1) as nextsubject from ( select max(no) as nextno from board_list where no < "&no&" and section='faq' and delete_checkYN='N' and lang_type=1)as a",objDBCon prevnum = objRs(0) : prevsubject = objRs(1) : fRsRelease() fObjDestroy() if not isarray(datalist) then response.write "destination data is not exist" : response.end %> ::: songdo u.life :::

Home > Customer service center > FAQ
 <%=datalist(2,0)%> <%=FormatDateTime(datalist(3,0),2)%>
<%if prevsubject="" then%> <%else%> <%end if%>
Before : No Title
Before : <%=prevsubject%>
<%if nextsubject="" then%> <%else%> <%end if%>
After : No Title
After : <%=nextsubject%>